
Openmg jukebox sony
Openmg jukebox sony

openmg jukebox sony

40 Using t h e grou p function (Group Mode). 40 Searching for a specific track or a position quickly (Quick Searc h).

  • Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 7ħ Various w ays of pl ayback.
  • 15 Reco rdin g an M D righ t aw ay! (S ynch ro- recordi ng).

    openmg jukebox sony

    Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 6Ħ T able of co ntents Overview.In no event will SONY be liabl e for any fi n ancial damage, or loss of prof its, includi ng claims made by.Copyright laws pr ohibit re produ cing the softwa re or t he m anua l acc ompanyi ng it in whole or in part, or renting the softw are without t h e permiss ion of the copyrigh t hol der.Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 5ĥ Notice for users On the supplied sof tware.™ and ® mark s are omitt ed in this manu al.All ot her trad emark s and regis tered trade marks are tra demar ks or regis tered trade marks of the ir resp ective hold ers.US and forei gn pa tents lic ence d from Dolby Labor atories.OpenMG an d its logo ar e trad emark s of Son y Corporat ion.Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 4.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiat e radio frequ ency energy and. These limits a re designed to provide r easonable pr otection against harmful interfe rence in a resident ial installati o n. Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 3ģ This equ ipment has bee n tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digit al de vice, p ursua nt to P art 15 of the FCC Rules.T o p rev ent fi re or shock ha zard, do not place obje cts f illed with liquids, such as.

    openmg jukebox sony

    And don’t plac e l ig ht ed candles on the appa ratus. T o pre vent f ire, do not cov er the ventil a tion of the ap paratus wit h news papers, table cloths, curtains, etc.

  • Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 2Ģ T o prevent fire or shock haza rd, do not expose the unit to ra in or moisture.
  • Sony MZ-N1 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating - page 1ģ-234-039- 13 (1) Por table MiniDisc Recor der Oper ating I nstr ucti ons ©2002 Sony Corporation MZ-N1 “W ALKMAN” is a trademark of Sony Cor poration.

  • Openmg jukebox sony